Now, many people have mixed views about Primark -I myself have an extreme love for this high-street gem- but I know some people think that it's always tacky, copies other shops items and is just plain cheap - and not in a good way.-
Enough of my nonsense though, lets move on to the main shabang of this post! Primark jewellery just amazes me, it's such good value for money, yes it can discolour and yes it can break but for the price you just can't complain! And even then expensive jewellery can break, I've had many a piece that's more expensive than Primark jewellery that's not been great, it happens.
Anyway, I have an uncontrollable love for jewellery, so when I go into Primark I make a bee-line for the jewellery before I look at anything else. Most of these pieces I have here, are fairly recent finds so should still be available now.
This double cross necklace is fantastic for adding a stylish twist to a basic tee, and the cute bow and cameo ring are from sets of 6 rings that cost round about £2 which is just incredible.
This necklace has gold, rose gold and silver crosses, the perfect thing about it is that the clasp can attach to anywhere on the necklace making it as short or as long as you require. Again the skull and flower ring where from a 6 set of rings. I love contrasting a really girly piece of jewellery with tougher things like skulls, studs or crosses.
Both of these earrings I think were around the £2 mark maybe £3, but which ever price they were you can't complain about either of these!
I haven't realised until the end of this post that there's a cross theme running through it, I promise Primark does have other jewellery apart from crosses! These are just a few of my favourite pieces and -most of them just happen to be crosses.-
I hope I've made you Primark-phobes realise they do have some good stuff and are worth paying a visit every now and again!
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